Milan Zdravković

Principal Investigator. Core competences: AI. Milan is Associate Professor at FMEUN and author of more than 80 papers in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Formal Modeling, Semantic Interoperability, Enterprise Information Systems, and Internet of Things (20 papers in journals with IF), with industry-grade skills in time-series forecasting, data analysis and visualization, NLP, biomedical image analysis and classification and ontology engineering. He is the member of IFAC TC5.3 committee, IFIP TC5 WG 5.8 and other associations. He worked as editor or reviewer for top scientific journals, keynote speaker, chair and member of PC of many international conferences. Since 2015, he works as private expert for European Commission in the fields related to researcher career development (lead HRS4R assessor) and since 2021 – as expert evaluator in Horizon Europe WIDERA programme. He participated in 12 FP6/FP7/H2020/Horizon Europe projects, as organizational manager (2 H2020 projects), WP lead, task lead and contributor. Since 2014, he is chairing the largest national IT conference: International Conference for Information Society and Technologies (ICIT).