Initial forecasting models presented at ICIST conference
At the ICIST2024 conference, Milan Zdravković presented the initial Machine Learning models for forecasting the…
How XAI4HEAT will deal with outliers in DHS data?
At the ICIST conference, the largest scientific IT venue in the region, Rajko Turudija talked…
XAI4HEAT architecture presented at the ICIST conference
XAI4HEAT project is out of the closet after only three months of work. At the…
Smart Home devices just arrived
We will be using smart home devices connected to a central IoT platform to learn…
XAI4HEAT is on Medium!
We have just started a Medium channel. On this channel, as we work on our…
XAI4HEAT presented at MASING 2023
Milan Zdravković presented the XAI4HEAT project to a full room of researchers and students in…
Project presented at DSC Europe 2023
Milan Zdravković presented a talk on Deep Learning models for multivariate heat demand forecasting at…